Has 2020 gotten you down? Have you felt the need to return to your emo playlists from high school only to realize you don’t enjoy them nearly as much as you did when you were fifteen? Or maybe you’re just looking to expand your tastes and branch out. If any of those apply, Увула may be the band for you.

Hailing from Saint Petersburg, Russia, the group describes themselves as rock and dream pop among other things. Whatever their sound may really be, they are 100% worth checking out at the very least. Despite all their music being in Russian, their music is similar enough to a lot of American/Western music that it won’t feel totally unfamiliar and unlistenable. Of course the language aspect provides an obvious difference but the instrumentation/production of their music has a quality that I just can’t put my finger on that makes them so good. With the rise in popularity of world music genres, especially Russian ones, Увула is an excellent way to break into a new genre and language that you never knew you enjoyed.

To take a look at some of my favorite Увула songs, check out our playlist below!