Max’s Mush Part 1

Max’s Mush Part 1

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am, quite literally, the worst gambler to ever gamble. I say this to you with no hyperbole, no jokes, no zingers, simply factual statements.

Early 2000’s Lunch Room Snacks – TIERED

Early 2000’s Lunch Room Snacks – TIERED

This morning began much like any other, as I sluggishly rolled out of bed I picked up my phone to catch up on the news that I missed while I was asleep. Much to my surprise, twitter had been set ablaze by a graphic tweeted out by a certain sports media company asking...
Which celebrity couple will be parents?

Which celebrity couple will be parents?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tempor sem at dolor tempus molestie. Vivamus sagittis in arcu ac pharetra. Mauris lorem ex, fringilla vitae velit sed, porttitor euismod lorem. Nulla ut eros a tortor faucibus porta at a elit.

Who won the Grammy Award?

Who won the Grammy Award?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tempor sem at dolor tempus molestie. Vivamus sagittis in arcu ac pharetra. Mauris lorem ex, fringilla vitae velit sed, porttitor euismod lorem. Nulla ut eros a tortor faucibus porta at a elit.